Awards iPower: 19th position fastest growing companies at Trends Gazelles

A while ago we announced via social media the nomination of iPower for the Trends Gazelles 2021. After having been nominated for several years by Deloitte (e.g. Fast 50 and EMEA 500), we are proud to be recognised by Trends as well!
We would never have achieved this without the support of our customers. Therefore: thank you!
In addition to the support of our loyal customers, there are three more factors that are part of the basis of iPower’s success:
A strong and motivated team
An excellent working atmosphere, collaboration and daily team meetings contribute to iPower holding its ground in a very competitive and rapidly changing market.
Pursuing perfection and the best possible customer experience
I realise all too well that perfection does not exist, but it can be pursued. The new Keyboost is a result of this. More than 20,000 trials have been requested with – nowadays – a 99.38% increase in Google ranking and 98.72% boost to the first page! It is now also possible to request a 100% Keyboost test yourself. Test it here!
We continue to follow our own path
I stand by the notion “Google is not God”. iPower continues to follow the market and technology with a critical eye. I trust our twenty years of experience and our own analyses more than Google’s guidelines. After all, Google remains a commercial company. That is in contrast to what many colleagues in the sector proclaim.