The secrets of Google unraveled! Alt-information, small and meta keywords

Three content-based webpage elements that are of lesser importance
Alt-information, small and meta keywords are less important for Google but are nevertheless worth considering when writing optimised web pages.
When it comes to images, videos and other objects, Google can only assess their relevance through the alt-information given to these objects in the html-code: <img src=”” alt=”relevant text about the image”>.
Even though Google pays a limited amount of attention to alt-information, it is still important for human visitors. On occasions text is the only content of your website that is displayed – f.i. when images cannot be loaded, or when visitors use a special browser, such as a web-reader.
You can ‘highlight’ – bold, italic, underscore- or ‘understate’ – small, cross out, subscript, superscript text. Google pays little attention to this type of text.
If you wish to repeat certain text on every webpage, f.i. a disclaimer, it is a good idea to make it smaller, so Google pays less attention to it and does not punish you with a lower score for repetition.
Meta keywords
In the html-code of your landing page, there is a list of the keywords that relate to the content of the webpage (). This should contain the most important keywords used by human visitors when using Google for a search. You can also include synonyms, related words and alternatives (e.g. incorrect spellings). A long-winded summary is a waste of time: the lower they are in the list, the less important the keywords become.
Unlike other search engines, Google makes abstraction of the tag ‘meta keywords’. The text in the meta tag ‘meta keywords’ is part of the webpage content.
How do these three components of your webpage compare to that of webpages that have top scores in Google for a specific keyword? What words does Google define as synonyms and / or related words in respect to the keyword?
For an answer to these questions, specifically for your web page, perform a – free keyword analysis via our tool SEO Page Optimizer.
Next blog post: Three services for efficient search engine optimisation for your webpages.