How Does Keyboost Work?

    The internet is a library and Google is the librarian Any explanation about how the internet and Keyboost work, would quickly become very technical. Hence this analogy: imagine the internet is a huge library. Websites are the books in that library and web pages are the pages in those books. Every one

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Duplicate content and how to avoid it

What exactly is ‘duplicate content’? When blocks of content – and more specifically text content – appear in different places on the internet, identical or mostly identical, then we are dealing with double or duplicate content.  By ‘different places’ we mean different urls, or on the same website (the domain name will be identical,  for

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Google is God! Right?

In any case, the average internaut will point out a clear distinction between Google and God: Google does answer when you ask a question (= launch a search), and often accurately as well. But does the search engine therefore deserve divine worship? A blessing or a punishment for people who depend on the internet? People

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